
Some time back I was speaking with a Taro of the LA Soto temple. He said worrying about it doesn't help. Does one need to be a Zen master to know that?

I was seeking his counsel. We were speaking of life's highs and lows, and I remarked how I actually seem to propel the jetcoaster ever higher and lower. He nodded knowingly. One must be a Zen master to do that knowing nod thing.

How many times can one receive transmission?

East Asian languages refer to the front and back of feet from the perspective of lying down. European languages refer to the top and bottom of feet from the perspective of standing up. Noses are big, not tall. Why?

People think there's something over that next hill. Humans are cute.

At some point, one becomes so adept that 'failure' ceases to be an option. Falling off the log begins to feel the same as not.