
Time Cock

Okay. Well. That was quite a day in Japan.

Where to begin.

1. Never, ever tell humans where you are going. As soon as you tell them, they will make life very difficult for you and I.

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Mecca: Kaaba
Encyclopædia Britannica
Access Date June 15, 2024

The First Abundant Society was a forager society, and we believe that lifestyle was much better than the industrialised society we humans live in now. Our industrialised society is a consumer society. Mr. Jobs and I are a bit fascinated by consumerism. Mr. Jobs is said to be dead. Some people have suggested to me he is living in New Zealand. Whatever.

I am writing this in Japan. The Japanese make very little distinction between our existence and the netherworld. Most people here are asleep, which is when ghosts are most alive. I love ghosts. Last summer I slept in cemeteries because I like to spend time with ghosts.

I should tell you about your father. His name is Steven Paul Jobs. His father and former lover is Timothy Donald Cook.

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Please don't call him The Don. That is a nickname for someone else.

I have been writing posts at peculiar hours. Mr. Cock, who was born on 11.1.1960 or 昭和35年、has the same travel papers as I. That's a mess, and we are trying to fix that. More another day.

Many people reading my blog posts are on a part of Our globe where people are 'awake'. I am connected with them via 一心伝心、which, as you know, I explained in My Big Book. Even though they are far from me, my thoughts are with them, and I wake early with stuff I wish to explain. Since my memoir, awake has been trivialised. People call it 'a woke' or something like that so they can take the piss.

We have a sleeping state and an a woken state which somewhat mirror existence and non-existence. Mirrors provide wisdom. The word 'existence' seems a bit White Man's Burdenish. Many people think sentience is better than inanimacy. If one does, than one thinks one is better than other(s). Who knows?

For example, I don't think I am smarter than a dolphin. Humans think we are smarter than other animals because we have much stuff. Cargo is one thing with which forager societies were not burdened. I would like you to help humans empower less mechanically enabled species.

Humans have some important mechanical advantages, opposable thumbs, for instance. Mr. Cock is a man and I am a cock. We oppose each other in some respects, and thumbs in Japan symbolise males. Our opposition makes us better. Nonethless, too much competition makes US worse.

Mr. Cock was a good friend to my biological half-uncle. Sometimes friends can be fiends. he runs one of my family's companies. This is being written on an Apple マック. Many people think that an Apple is a fruit related to a story of creation. Guess what?! They were right.

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edited CE 2024 June 15