america's North American Unit 731

someone else's idea of god

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present is a 2007 book by Harriet A. Washington. ー Wikipedia

Pointedly, the dates of the of many, many atrocities listed in this book cease about 2012. Only because that was the publication cut off. The horror will last forever.

broken image

Mr. Greenwood,

"saved it for us"? Are you pimping patriotism?

Looking forward to seeing you on Judgement Day,
Ethel Harvey

Everyday we spit on the graves of the people who fought and died for this country, for our world. The folks that stand up in that video are as disgusted as I, if not more so. Selling patriotism while paying your taxes to perpetuate crimes against humanity. Welcome to America.


It never will. ー John Edward Prine

10 October 1946 to 07 April 2020 Rest in peace, my brother.

I was five years old when he wrote that song. He knew.

fair use copyright of book cover