be as strict with your family as your are with your enemies

Yesterday, I heard a man talk about his family. His mother had left his father for his father's best friend. I am grateful, extraordinarily grateful for this man's willingness to share his story with me. If he should choose to do so again, I hope the documentary will not use our given names quite so many times. 😊

He has entertained many people. He has a G_d given talent for pandering to the baser American instincts. His career has matured, and We are grateful for his return to his roots.

The documentary explained that early on in his film making career, he, better than most, appreciated what the studio executives wanted, and gave them what they wanted. Once achieved, he gave the public what they wanted. For example, a movie about a foreign internment camp whilst his own nation had many internment camps. International oversight ought to prevent the recurrence of foreign internment camps. The internment camps in his own nation are not only a possibility, they have been legally enshrined.

Why point fingers? $

He also made a propaganda film about racism in America, trivialising a well researched book so that the American South was villified whilst his Yankee roots appeared pristine.

broken image

Miyagi, Japan

Earlier this year I was breakfasting at the Zen headquarters in Tokyo. I sat down with several members of a tour group from America, one of whom had Jewish roots. Xhe expressed xes concern that Orthodox Judaism was primarily responsible for the trouble. This is not just naive, that is sinfully naive. Faith causes far less damage than money.

What is sin?