show me the money

trying to get my company back

· attorney,finance,chivalrous organisations

I circulated a memo to white circle firms

and shareholder activists.

I learned of your firm because I share Adv. _______'s stance that one does not advocate based on popularity. I am writing to ask your advice about how to return to Myanmar.

I was born in Burma in 1963. In 1993 I took a leave of absence from law school in Connecticut to participate on the JET Programme at a girl’s high school in Ishinomaki, Japan. In the spring of 1994 I was permitted to visit Yangon for the first and last time in 50 years.

At Yangon airport in 1994 I descended the rolling stairs to the aircraft, kneeled, and kissed the tarmac. At passport control the officer noted my Rangoon birth. After selecting a driver, and taking my seat, I cried. In Yangon I played football in my longyi in the alley next to my hostel, met with attorneys, and visited our home.


In 2001 I worked at Asahi Law Offices in Tokyo, now Nishimura Asahi, Japan’s top law firm. The Japan founder and managing partner of Asahi was Adv. Takeshi Ejiri. My office was one over whilst Mr. Ejiri prepared to merge.

I have extensive experience editing and drafting agreements, completing small, medium, and large cross border deals, and managing complex cross border family and estate matters. I advised clients leveraging know-how in Asia, litigating IP and registering trademarks in Japan. Another large portion of my practice has included cross border corporate management and finance. Most recently, I have been working on maritime matters for Okabe & Yamaguchi, a Tokyo admiralty firm.

I have lived in Japan for 15 years, and speak, read, and write Japanese. I also worked for a boutique international law firm in Osaka, where I met my wife, who is from Nara. My wife works for AbbVie, an American pharmaceutical company spun off from Abbott Laboratories, both of which are headquartered in Chicago. We have a 7 year-old daughter, and live near Tennozu Isle, Tokyo. My office and residence are in a building managed by a leading Japanese trading house. The 31 floor tower of our complex is named for my daughter, Skye, albeit without the e.

In 2010 I met alone with a gentleman in LivingCompanion headquarters. He foreshadowed the 11/3/11 Event. As explained in my autobiography, in January 2011 a second heart was harvested from the right side of my chest at a LivingCompanion cloning research facility for senior executives. Sumitomo has the artifact, and when I have repeatedly tried to access my medical data, or obtain the artifact, Sumitomo provides me with the usual Japanese gibberish. On 11 March 2011 a tsunami struck Ishinomaki, where I used to live and work, causing the worst disaster in modern Japanese history. The tsunami was caused by an explosive detonated off the coast of Japan by the American Navy. On 11 April 2011 I began publishing my autobiography as a blog. Last September I was the first American to be admitted to Switzerland to apply for asylum. I hope to be the last.


I have been urged to return, and received feedback on this memo from Mrs. Aung San Suu Kyi via Adv. Nathan Dodd, the managing partner of Mayer Brown in Singapore. Mayer Brown was founded in Chicago.

I understand Burmese is easier than Japanese, and suspect my infancy in Burma will enable me to learn Burmese. I hope to return because of the tremendous potential for long term growth, advantageous not only for my career, but also for future generations of my family. I wish I had never left.

In the next year I would focus on building two multipurpose developments in Yangon. One for housing, shopping, and offices, the other for transport. Construction tools and facility components would be fully recyclable. Construction and functioning of the facilities would not emit carbon.

I would construct Japan House I (JH1Y), and the first phase of an automated ergonomic public transit system (T1Y) in Yangon. I would arrange cooperation with Tokyo University’s urban planning department, and the appropriate institutions in Yangon. T1Y would deliver passengers and organic produce to JH1Y using semi-attended customer activated terminals.

Both companies would be profitless. Like a mutual company, any excess revenue collected from users would be used to improve the facilities or reduce future costs. Talent will be recruited from A team players all over the world, integrated with Myanmar personnel, and used to improve our people.

Working with my hands cleanses my mind. In 1990 I worked construction. In 2003 and 2004 I sorted packages in Tokyo for Yamato Transport. Details are available on my LinkedIn profile. I would work as a manual labourer on construction, and in the facilities.

I would serve as an adjunct professor to simultaneously provide students at Yangon and Tokyo Universities with an introductory political history course. My lecture would be delivered remotely when necessary. I provided one semester of my course at Yokohama National University. 

Q & A

I require a credit card with a US$20 million credit limit which is not subject to American taxation. One might ask the following questions. My responses follow. Additional questions are welcome.

How could you deserve a card with a US$20M credit limit?

My paternal grandfather, Mr. Steven Paul Jobs’s father, financially and literally seeded companies all over the world. Apple, the largest public company in the world, is just one of many private and public companies my grandfather founded. My grandfather was not the first in our family line to sequester investments for future generations. The funds from his investments may have mixed with the funds from previous generations.

Each of our investments earmarked funds and assets for this project. Some of the money was deposited in Switzerland, and moved to Persia, North Korea, or elsewhere when the American Government began commandeering funds in Switzerland. A small number of countries, perhaps only Israel, Holland, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, and Switzerland could adequately conduct due diligence on my financing and identity. All those nations and others have conducted due diligence on this matter. I am asking to be connected with my money.

If you are unable to access the accounts my grandfather made for me, there are other options. I have repeatedly recently been led to believe Japan has the money. Also, the name Apple Pay is incoincidental. Like anyone, I need money, and will do until we build a regressive society not based on economic slavery.

"If you are an attorney so well connected, why do you need money (or a 'credit card') from us?"

Have I answered your question?

Who are you?

 A guy who must discover where the human race should be two million years from now

Why do you need asylum?

To understand my answer to why questions, you might need to be me, but my autobiography, and this memo are a start.

Is there a business plan?

Business plans are counterproductive. We use Agile methods.

What sort of legal entity might provide you with a credit card?

Why a credit card not subject to American taxation?

I try to avoid the military industrial complex, which includes Microsoft, petrol automobiles, etc. I attempted to renounce my American citizenship. Timothy Langley suggested the best way to avoid American hegemony is by expensing everything. A credit card provides a transparent record of expenses.

When could the credit card be revoked?

my death

How will the card owner object to charges?

Purchases will be denied.

Why do you need legal advice?

  1. Everyone does. 
  2. I need advice to:
    a. prevent the next generation of the Holy Grail from causing or suffering a similar or worse fate than my mother’s.
    b. evaluate my decisions as regent for my daughter.
    c. find new ideas.
  3. We need independent advice for my daughter.

Can't you ask someone else? 

All you had to do was reply yes or no.

What sort of advisors do you require?

While I was trying to obtain an outbound flight at an airline counter in Zürich airport last December, for reasons unknown to me, the Swiss police locked me in a holding cell at the airport. I was then handcuffed, placed in solitary confinement in an insane asylum, and sedated with a needle while being restrained. At the moment I was being injected, I thought: Will this kill me? The medical doctor answered telepathically: no. I thought: fuck, shit or damn, i.e. I was disappointed they were not killing me. The doctor then made the only verbal statement anyone made while I laid restrained and unmoving. He responded verbally to my telepathic expression of disappointment: “Oh, stop.”

This was the second time I was institutionalised in Switzerland, and the Swiss did not bother to arrest me. This happened not long after I was almost raped in the refugee centre. When I notified the Swiss police I was almost raped, they advised me men can be sexually harassed in Switzerland. Not raped. Imagine my relief.

The first time I was involuntarily institutionalised was in 2005. I was drugged unconscious, strapped to a gurney with a catheter and diaper, and locked in a room in Tokyo for days with no legal recourse to release, and no idea of when or if I would be released. I could have been legally held indefinitely. 

After being incarcerated and then institutionalised in Japan, I was discarded to America. Each time I returned to Japan the same year. Since the first institutionalisation, when the Japanese inquire if a course of action might work, I frequently reply: no one drops the ball this many times and ultimately hangs on.

I have suffered worse incidents than those of which I have written. There is a fine line between courage and stupidity. I will walk the line where all but I think I have ventured into stupidity. An undertaking of this nature requires nothing less. Nevertheless, you would do well to err on the side of courage.

Who can access this document?

I do not know, but Apple might.

Last December I was using my MacBook at the Starbucks in sight of the Swiss capital's main police station, and about 100 metres from the Swiss parliament. I was instructed to leave my MacBook, and go to lunch. This was not the first time I was instructed to leave my belongings, but this was the first time I returned to find my belongings gone. I returned more than an hour later, and was told the police had taken my MacBook.

I walked about a 100 metres to the main Berne police station. Berne is in a German canton of Switzerland, so I greeted the duty desk officer in German. I was instructed to go to the waiting room, where two male officers came to see me, but they did not have my belongings. I greeted them in German. The bad cop asked me if I spoke French. I replied in French: no, I don't speak French, do you speak Japanese? He was not pleased, and gruffly asked me what I wanted. I asked him if they had my MacBook.

The officers then walked me into the basement of the police station, the garage, and a basement interrogation room. No one knew where I was. I could have disappeared, and no one would have found me.

My MacBook passcode is more than 25 random characters, including symbols, numbers, and upper and lower case letters. I knew the police had obtained my MacBook passcode while observing me on closed circuit television while I logged into my MacBook at various locations around Switzerland. The angry officer appeared to have been trying to hack my MacBook using the passcode they had previously obtained. Despite having the passcode, the officer trying to hack my MacBook was not permitted access because Apple could see I was not at the keyboard.

The officer who failed to access my MacBook was furious. Only by following the telepathic instructions of his partner was I able to placate them. The question Suck what? occurred to me. At a minimum, I feared I would be involuntarily institutionalised a third time. I did as I was told.

“What about the media?

This question may have been directed at my personal habits. My father, both my grandfathers, and many living lives of quiet desperation had or have similar habits. In an earlier version of my autobiography, I used the word Minions. That word evolved out of my autobiography to be used in the movie franchise. For millennia the Minions have been able to control and manipulate our line by fostering children with absentee fathers. To date our line has procreated only to feed the machine. In two million years I may only be remembered for fathering my daughter.

At the time the advocate asked me the question, I responded verbally: "The media will always be there." My answers are often circuitous, and I frequently verbally ask questioners if I answered the question. I did not confirm if I answered the question, but I suspect not.

I have a prenuptial agreement with my spouse which permits plural marriage. The throne must be made transparent. My grandfather’s efforts to build a web of interconnected relations to prevent manipulation of our line is instructive. Mr. Jobs’s gadgetry has helped me very little. Mr. Jobs’s example, leadership and sacrifice brings tears to my eyes. I will not be responsible for letting more children suffer the way he did.

Why do you promote Wikipedia?

Because no one sucks ignorant masses of c#$k like Jiminy Beluga.

Do you think this is useful?

Do I have my credit card?

So what now?

I agreed to cooperate. The Minions promise to let me die at 120.

If we give you enough rope, will you hang yourself?

OMG. I am so sick of hearing that for the last decade.

The yakuza scare me. 

- rabbi in training at the rogue 東京 chabad


I would trust any yakuza long before I would trust a Japanese attorney. 

- Steven McIntire Allen

Why do we always underestimate you?

  1. You underestimate my resources.
  2. Predicting how someone less clever than oneself will behave is easier than understanding someone more clever.

"Is there anything else we should know?"

You look at your watch twice during a meeting with me again, and I will jump across the table, rip the watch off your wrist, and shove it up the a&# of the Chair of the Board of "one of [your] biggest clients."

My CV, a list of representative matters, and references are attached to the email which contains the URL and passcode to access this document. One of my references is from a name partner of the admiralty firm mentioned above. Also, Adv. Myint Lwin in Yangon, one of the attorneys whom I met in 1993, will provide a reference for me.

We are not the other’s agent. I will not hold myself out as your representative, nor are you Origin’s. 

One might be forgiven for reading the foregoing, and hesitate to reply to the email I just sent. You can hide. You cannot run. Many have tried and failed. Many more have stood and watched. Ask yourselves which is the greater sin.


S. McIntire Allen


  1. curriculum vitae <CV>
  2. representative matters <matters>
  3. references <references>

The journey is the destination. 

- Anton Fliri

Yes, but only if you've already arrived.