devolutionary technololgy

selling you killing machines dressed up like spaceships

The car industry has a century old tradition of fronting for murderers. GM, Chrysler, Ford and now Mr. Musk have, for generations, made most of their profits on government contracts for selling tanks, armoured personnel carriers and now spaceships, while ostensibly primarily selling consumer products. The profit margin on one government contract far exceeds what the paltry consumer car division can make flogging cars one by one to discerning customers.

The government is the complete opposite of a discerning customer. The American electoral process serves a military procurement system that is primarily tasked with making oligarchs unimaginably wealthy. The system is structured to facilitate bribery. American campaign contributions and the American electoral process are structured to grow a nationally socialised economy.

In the electoral systems of most developed nations, American political contributions are defined as bribery. American campaign contributors pay politicians to vote for the contributor's government contract. This is plain and simple bribery. Your ability to not recognise this is a testimony to the extraordinary efficacy of the American propaganda machine, e.g. Wall Street, Hollywood.

The idea that you or I could vote and make a difference, while an oligarch like Messrs Ford or Musk have billions of dollars to pay a 'representative of the people' to vote in their favour is simply ludicrous. Nonetheless, every four years, you plod to the voting booth to be the window dressing on a political farce that your news service calls a free election. Perhaps they mean free in that your vote costs nothing. Then again, nothing is what your vote is worth in most elections.

Microsoft software runs almost all the Department of Defense computers. Selling individual consumer Windows machines is simply a way to legitimise Microsoft's big ticket items. Your tax dollars are paying Microsoft's government contracts so Microsoft can sell you a cheap personal computer. Sure these companies pretty up the finances so the money doesn't appear to be a government subisdy. Hiding money offshore, transfering money to a foreign subsidiary, or paying your CEO an exorbitant salary are just a few of the ways to make things look kosher.

IBM essentially gave MS-DOS to Mr. Gates, and his partner, Paul Allen, after Mr. Gates was arrested for, I suspect, hacking the United States government Los Alamos nuclear research facility computers. Mr. Gates's Los Alamos police department mugshot photos from the 1980s were once widely available on the internet. Those are now scrubbed.

When I saw his Los Alamos mugshot photo about two decades ago, the caption on the webpage read 'charges lost to posterity' or something similar. Police departments don't 'lose' criminal charges. When I returned from Japan in 2017 and applied for a Florida driving license, the Florida department of motor vehicles told me I could not obtain a Florida driving license until I paid a speeding ticket against my Connecticut driving license from the early 1990s, almost two decades prior. If a distant state is saving my speeding ticket records, suggesting the Los Alamos police department is losing criminal charges is prepostrous.

As an attorney practicing law overseas, I saw government-industry white/handwashing firsthand in Japan. No company, or individual, that wants to pay the bills plays hardball with the United States government or the technology-military-industrial complex. While practicing law in Japan, any attorney like me who argued for less guns, more butter was quickly marginalised. Even if your book of business has nothing to do with these large government contractors, you won't be successful if you are unwilling to look the other way at the corruption rampant in American largesse poured out to American companies, and their foreign partners.

Apple is no different. Apple just functions differently.

Some years ago I tried to renounce my American citizenship. Contrary to the American freedom hyperbole, renouncing one's American citizenship is almost impossible. According to one professional with a good record of helping Americans renounce their citizenship, if you have American citizenship, and you have never visited America for more than a weekend or so, and you have no tax liability, and no future potential tax liablility, you might be able to renounce. If you are an American who stayed in America for a week or more, you probably won't be permitted to renounce. Successful renouncers are usually dual or triple citizens whose parents got them American citizenship as an afterthought.

Nonetheless, not long after my attempt to renounce, the United States government published long lists of Americans who had successfully renounced. Americans would often cite this as evidence one may renounce. Did anyone ever confirm the identities of those who renounced? Check their social security numbers, citizenship, etc? Not likely. Just another American government ruse you buy into. Just another government abuse of your civil liberties you are paying for with your taxes. Like paying the NSA to spy on you.

You are contributing to a crime against humanity. Centuries from now, the world will look back on this United States of America and see the fraud much more clearly than you see it in the blur of your 24 hour news cycle and a political selection process that is no different than the poplularity contests of high school student council elections.

Wake up. This is not America.

Partisan bickering over whether this nation helped that candidate or hurt this one is more subterfuge to disguise the real problem. Foreign nations, and their corporations, serve as political contribution machines.

Illegal trade dumping is the practice of selling your products at a higher price to your domestic consumers and at a cheaper price to your foreign consumers. The practice became widely known to the public in the 1970s when the United States government claimed Japan was dumping cheap cars on the American market because the research and development, tooling and other costs were being largely financed by Japanese consumers buying cars in Japan.

Nowadays, trade dumping is globally gladly accepted in two industries. Everyone turns a blind eye to illegal trade dumping by American companies of biopharma and weapons. Israel, Australia, Japan, etc. never give a thought to filing a World Trade Organisation complaint about American companies financing biopharma research using American consumers paying the highest medical bills in the world. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Spain, etc. never complain about American taxpayers financing the development of insanely expensive military technology to be sold at a discount to foreign governments. Every nation in the world is complicit in the American scam. They have no choice. You have a choice.