flotsam & Jetsons

Yesterday, a woman propositioned me for sex, and she offered to pay me money. A few days before that, a man touched my penis in the sauna. I guess that only happens to a guy when he's in his 60s?

I'm not sure what worries me less, that they knew who I was or that they didn't.

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Decades ago, the Thais began a policy of soft diplomacy. To improve their international image, Thai chefs were offered financing to open Thai restaurants in foreign lands. Hence, the ubiquity of Thai restaurants. Foresightedness like this would not be possible without a constitutional monarchy.

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What makes people think they have a right to know? You don't have a right to know. Which part of privacy do you find confusing?

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A few thousand years ago, while the Chinese were refining the writing system still in use today, European peoples were living in caves and wearing animals skins. European colonialism is much like American racial and economic slavery.

One solution had been to send orphans and convicts forcibly to places like São Tomé, in conjunction with a system of benefits and incentives, such as the provision of a “male or female slave for personal service,” to create a population base on which a sustainable administrative system could be built.66

The Silk Roads
Peter Frankopan

The trash of Europe, including psychopathic criminals, the entire surviving army in the losing side of rebellions, entire debtor prisons, and such, were loaded on to ships and peopled America. The Europeans didn't just do that to Australians. Americans are as much, if not more the offspring of European undesirables as Austraila. The difference is Australians are more self aware. They aren't dumb enough to believe the propaganda with which Washington DC, Madison Avenue and Hollywood dopes up Americans.

The colonisers would arrive in a land, approach the #2 tribe, ethnicity, or power brokers, and ask the #2s if they wished to be #1s. If so, the colonisers would tell the #2s to round up the #1s so the #1s could be enslaved and taken to America.

America's Race War is due to a very simple social dissonance. The trash of Europe and the royalty of Africa were exported to America, where the trash have, for several centuries, lorded it over the Royals. Are you still unable to understand why Randi likes Black Americans better than White Americans?

This is one of my top five, maybe top three songs of all time.

It's gonna take a lot more than a hole in the ground to get the old man out of your head.

Raymond & Ray

 edited CE 2024 Jul 23