Is it murder?

Is it life?

There is no doubt in my mind that abortion is murder. Equally certain is that if men could become pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament.

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I have a penis. The older I get, the less my little head dictates my idiocracy and the more my big head does. I will never become pregnant. I will never know how it feels to have my father rape me at 12 and become pregnant with his child to watch that child wander the Earth, perhaps raping more children. I often wonder, if Mr. Joseph Stalin's mother could have known what he would become, would she have murdered her son?

I have met a few Supreme Court justices from more than one country. They are idiots, like me, human, political animals. If nothing else, we excel at gossip, and judges might do gossip better than anyone in the world. The justices are cowards or they wouldn't have achieved what they have in today's United States of National Socialism. Even the least fortunate ones have been brainwashed at the altar of ignorance and privilege.

So what to do? Don’t make attorneys judges. Appoint people who can think, not brainwashed sycophants approved by the American Bitch Association.

Victorian England was the apex of democracy. Since then, retards have reigned. Mob rule has largely replaced democracy. The Victorian advantage was that not everyone voted. Frankly, not everyone cares. More importantly, very few have time to adequately assess the options. As my uncle famously claimed, most people are unaware of the options, hence unaware of the possiblities and incapable of knowing what they could have. Your kleptocracy (Every government is a kleptocracy.), aided by your cowards in office, excels at not informing you of the possiblities.

This past summer I visited the Portland office of Senator Susan Collins. Lovely woman, I'm sure. Complete and utter retarded coward. If one required more evidence of her stupidity, one need only consider that she and I are products of the same Institution for Privilige & Ignorance. A bit like all the justices being from Harvard and Jail, even the more thoughtful senators are products of white privilege.

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Senator Collins serves on the Intelligence Committee. A more oxymoronic committee name, there is not. Her folks recommended I run for office. I tried to upload a document of our interaction, but adult supervision won't let me. The Senator appears to be unaware of me being President of you charming little rednecks for decades. This from a person who is supposed to be better informed than most Americans. Yes, a man named Mr. Biden is the current veneer. The reality is something like The Minority Report (Three Crystals) and The Matrix. Notably, two of The Crystals only know the US from one five day trip. Imagine how that skews the minority.

Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI, kind of a polite way of saying biopharma's MRIs are dysfunctional) your government data mines my brain to decide what to do. For example, because I was being birthed in Burma, and The Company didn't wish to tell your president what, much less where, I was, The Company invented The Vietnam Conflict. Just so they, without having to explain why, could disperse a small percentage of funds in a place where the CIA needed them, you (if you are an American) killed two million and change. How clued in do you think that makes dupe extraordinaire Mrs. Collins?

Apple collects data on how I use The Mac (a 13-inch, M1, 2020 Pro) to build their little shindig. The NSA hacks apple systems when they can't "legally" make apple handover information. CEO Cook did an admirable job building the Airpods. The idea was mine, and resulted only after I repeatedly walked into multiple electronics stores in GrandHill and pointed at products like Plantronics (which I love!) and said, in Japanese, "Look, a wire! How are these wireless?" After some time, Tim (May I call you Tim?) produced a truly stellar product. Kudos to you, my brother. Thank you for all you have done for my family, mine and me. Now, about the 3,587,239 other glitches I found in your products in the last 24 hours...

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