my lack of privacy

the good, the bad & the indifferent

I was visiting my buddy Marc. The day before I'd been in handcuffs on the bonnet of my vulva. Marc had a couple personal watercraft which we took out for a slide. We were unequipped with alcohol, so imagine our forewarned good fortune when we, lo & behold, 'coincidentally' met some folks on a sand bar. They were not ill informed or unprepared.

We lunched. I had recently posted to LinkedIn about "doubling down". The folks we met were of the computer financial ilk. The head honcho sat at the head of the table opposite Marc. When honcho heard some of my plans, he referred to "doubling down" being insufficient. I managed to stifle a smirk.

Marc was sitting to my left. A savvy geek boy sat across from me. We were discussing the viability of public media. I explained that great media must speak to the artist, and, as I met geek boy's gaze, my left thumb quickly indicated Marc. Also, a classic must speak to the masses, and indicated the lad. Finally, art must speak to The One.

Make it great or don't make it at all.