my privilege is making your life difficult

16th Street Baptist Church?

Chancellor Hitler tried for decades to find a homeland for the Hebrews. He sent Adolf Eichmann to negotiate with the man who, decades later, and only after The PoM's approved, became the first Prime Minister of Israel. On at least one occasion, a British Royal Navy frigate, in response to Arab concerns, rammed a shipload of European Jewish refugees bound for the Holy Land. British complicity in gassing six million humans has enjoyed an American whitewash.

Holy Roman Empire Batman!

Sometime ago I was speaking with a person whom I greatly admire. I suggested that we ought to put our own house in order before criticising the Chinese. She asked me about the French. She has repeatedly visited France on business. I replied, given that we, America and France, are part of what seems to be the Holy Roman Empire, Americans are in a better position to evaluate French culture.

One of my favourite American critiques is by Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America. Turnabout is not fairplay. Just saying something doesn't make it so. We ought not judge France because a Frenchman was able to adequately judge us. We should do so because we are qualified to constructively critique our progenitors.

I have noticed a tendency of parents to chafe at criticism from their children. The French and the British jealousy of American success is akin to Korean and Chinese dislike of the Japanese. I never have, and never will defend Japanese wartime atrocities, The Rape of Nanking, slicing the noses of Korean men to encourage Korean women to become comfort women, and Unit 531, to name a few.

I try to look the tiger in the eye.

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I can be oblivious to other's suffering. Jews and gays are just two groups whom I have offended. I have been fortunate to usually be treated well by the Hebrews, and I have tried to return the favour. I enjoy the company of gay men because the very best of them display courage and dignity that I try to emulate.

I am rarely exposed to the abuse these groups suffer. Hence, I have difficulty imagining people can be as horrible to gays and Jews as they are.

I will do better.

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