patriotism: the first refuge of ignorance

Why are people stupid?

· God,gods


I appear Caucasian. I was born in Rangoon, Burma. Explaining to Japan resident Japanese where I was born results in an incredulous tsunami flowing down the Japanese face. Their cogs whirl, but not in a fashion. They believe I am Caucasian. They know I am speaking Japanese. I verbalised I was born in Burma, and then added, now called Myanmar. They are figuring out how a Caucasian can read their mind.

If the Japanese don't interrupt by asking me a question, I verbally interrupt their thoughts because I am concerned the fixing of the knowledge to their beliefs might cause their brain cogs to crash. Watching the humans reboot is never pretty.

Why have Japanese been retarded? A common excuse the Japanese give is that Japan is an island nation. Yet, the Phillipines, Indonesia, and many other island peoples I have told where I was born process the information with little more than a click and a whir. The Japanese are stupid because they were dumbed down more than most.

Izanagi: How has your body been made? Izanami: My body is fully formed, except for a part which has not quite grown. Izanagi: My body is fully formed, except I have a part that has grown too much. If I place the part of my body that has grown too much, and plug the part of your body not yet grown, we will procreate lands and dominions. What say you to this?

Following the creation of Heaven and Earth and the appearance of these primordial gods, Izanagi and Izanami went on to create the Japanese archipelago and gave birth to a large number of gods.


What is a cult? 

a religion that undermines universal rights

When is religion cultish? Rulers derive power from lies. A religion that undermines universal values is a mainstream cult. A cult, not a religion, are myths disguised as religion to provide presidents, emperors, or oligarchs advantage. The number of adherents cannot change a cult into a religion.

Should we rely on knowledge or belief? Without truths, there is no truth. There is only one truth, but many truths. To arrive at a truth, we must have truths. Only in the absence of knowledge, rely on belief.

Japanese know Japanese can be born outside of Japan, and a Caucasian can be born in Myanmar. Japanese believe Japanese are gods. Americans know Newton's laws of motion, but believe propaganda. The Amaterasu cult serves as poorly as the Holy Grail cult. Myth cults like Shintoism and Christianity undermine universal rights.

We have had two million years to absorb mythology. Humanity absorbed Newton's laws for a few centuries. For the typical American mindset, a crusade to kill Arabs computes better than a law of motion because invasion and conquest is based on millennia. Law is based on centuries. When building a society based on the rule of law, the first 500 years is the hardest.

I'm not mean to you because I think I don't owe you anything. I think I owe you the truth.