I know a woman named Christina. About 5'4", solid. Knows herself. Knows her ways.
When she was a girl, she was bullied. One of the bullies was another girl. One day, on the way home from school, her dad was waiting for Christina when Christina, and the bully, alighted from the big yellow bus.
Christina's dad told young Christina, you are going to beat the tarnation out of that girl. Christina hesitated, tried to weasle her way out of a whipping, given or received. Her father told her, if you don't whip that child, I am going to give you a beating when we get home like you've never had.
Fast forward decades later. Big American bully. Giving Christina lip. Bully never touches Christina. Just keeps verbally harassing her. Finally, she put her hands on him. Just a two handed shove. Penis keeps going. She removed all her rings from her left hand and put them together with the rings all on her right. Popped him one.
Does violence beget violence? Perhaps. Nonetheless, Martin Luther King, John Lennon and Malcolm X preached non-violent resistence. Look what it got them.
American Beauty and American Pie were released the same year. One virginal character played by Mena Alexandra Suvari and the other a slutty Mena. One contains a debauched Steve (Stiffler) and the other a celebate Lest he Burn 'em (Lester Burnham). Better a dead Steven McIntire Allen than one who exposes the current Republican Presidential nominee for the fraud he is.