The Barbie Log

conflating the universe

SMA like it or not, we goin' down the rabbit hole boyfriend.
Ken (WCSII) Oh yea?
Allan Barbie, please?

Ken kan Kan-Kan. Ken-Ken U?

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How about if Ken catches me masturbating? O, do you think Ken might have an 円 for it?

OMG. I soooooooooo want to beach off Will Smith. Now you've got my juices flowing. Hot flash. Please stand clear of the closing Manopause doors.

When you gone? Where you think you goin' black boy? I'm gonna drag your cloned ass out of the grave.

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my castle and my throne

PC? PC?? Why you usin' a PC, n-word?

The better to hear you with. 2人お上でしょう。

& and the next life, and the one after that, and....

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How'm I gonna pay for dat? You don' wanna go? I don' care. I take your sisters.

Boy meets girl.

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BarbiKen meets BarbiKen.

So, we got some thoughts.



  • Barbie
  • Ken
  • BarbiKen transgender Transformers plug & pay cums in box
    • JEW1 & JS with interchangeable gender tools

human figurines

  • 小島和雄 (Kazuo Kojima)
  • Steven Allan Spielberg (SAS)
  • Harvey Keitel (HK)
  • Marcia McIntire (MM)
    • original
    • krispi
  • Greta Celeste Gerwig (GCG)
  • San Suu Kyi (SSK)
  • 松村領子 (Ryoko Matsumura)
  • Judith Olivia Dench (JOD)
  • John Wayne (MRM)
  • Krishna Pandit Bhanji (KPB)
  • Junichiro Koizumi (小泉 純一郎)
  • Pierce Brendan Brosnan (PBB) as President Biden
  • Daniel Lintz (DL) teaches driving to blind, deaf & extraordinarily dumb zombies at a Death Country driving school
  • Willard Carroll Smith II (WCSII)
  • Patrick Stewart (PS)
  • Steven McIntire Allen (SMA)
  • 北野 武 (Takeshi Kitano)
  • 安倍 晋三 (Shinzo Abe)
  • Jason Stratham (JS)
  • 西澤養子 (Yoko Nishizawa)
  • Prince Rogers Nelson (PRN)
  • Andrew M. Mills (AMM)
  • Douglas Harold Allen (DHA)
  • Wayne Knight (WK)
  • Stephen Glenn Martin (SGM)
  • Ryan Thomas Gosling (RTG)
  • Margot Elise Robbie (MER)
  • John Sherwood de Lancie, Jr. (JSdLJr)
  • William Arthur Philip Louis (WAPL)
  • William Prince (born 1986) (WP)
  • Edward Daniel Alkalay (EDA) BarbiKen battery sales girl, tray of alkaline batterys slung around her huge titties
  • Julia Elizabeth Wells (b 1 October 1935) JEW1
  • Paul Reubens (August 27, 1952 – July 30, 2023) (PR1)


  • Harvey WineyJewBag, promotes a vintage red soaked in tampons
  • Cornholio
  • Noonien Soong


  • guitar hero
  • CEO
  • royal
  • Boston
  • alien
  • more alien
  • death country
  • Randi
  • God
  • Q
  • butch
  • Australian
  • aboriginal
  • European
  • African
  • Asian
  • ancient American
  • lesbian
  • pregnant
  • homemaker
  • gay
  • Randy
  • transvestite
  • pregnant
  • menapausal
  • Arab
  • Persian
  • Sikh
  • Hindu
  • barista
    • smoking hot
    • not so hot
    • medium smoking
  • zombie
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worlds, play stations & holodecks

  • American Pie
  • Wayne's World
  • 007
  • Austin Powers
  • Star Trek
  • Matrix
  • Batman
  • Being There
  • 四国
  • train
  • plane
  • automobiles
  • extraterrestrial delivery vehicles
  • high school
  • TheKenChunnel
    • tunnel under the river Styx which bridges the Nations of Frogs and The Most Excellent and Pompus
    • after exiting SMA's subconscious, travellers land in one of the two nations, or beside the Jersey Turnpike
  • The Briar Patch Kids, Doran Sidney Kaufman & it's relations


  • 007
  • Bourne
  • Transporter
  • Star Trek
  • Toy Story
  • Alfie


  • daughter of identical twin lesbian Barbies wants to marry a Ken, Barbies try to persuade daughter to become a lesbian.
  • Ken walks in and finds Barbie apparently beaching off Allan.
  • rodeo AMM is a bull.
  • God & Q
  • Barbie (GCG) gives birth to Ken (SMA) with Steely Dan Kens.
  • SMA gets SMA pregnant and they have Q, Randi, and the Wizard of Oz.
  • I tell Mr. MilkMyBitch that perhaps the solution to the issues surrounding his issues which aren't my issues is to write his issues down. Issue closed.
  • The Orifice
    I go to consult Allan (MCA) in BarbieLand. Allan (dressed as an Edo侍) has a Ken (MRM) receptionist dressed as a French maid. Allan is facing the door of his office. He is on a throne on a dais in a Buddhist temple sitting 星座. Ken says something like

K That guy from the real world is back.
A Oy gevalt.
K Shall we try ignoring him again?
A No, show him in.
[SMA enters A's office and sits down on a two person sofa facing the throne. The sofa is typical of an office in 1950s Japan, except that the sofa has holes, and stains. Before SMA sits down on one side, he sees he is about to sit in a bowel movement left by his brother Doug. SMA sits down next to the bowel movement, and puts his arm around the bowel movement. Ken approaches A with formalities and hands SMA's file to Allan. Ken (KW) is Clerk of the Court. Both Kens stand to Allan's right and look disapprovingly at SMA. Ken (KW) begins reciting file from memory with snide, deprecating remarks, while A follows along in the written file. Ken's voice resembles Newman]

A Ooookay, [nodding] right, some of this is coming back to me now. What do you want?
SMA I need help with a Karen.

  • SMA goes to visit Allan at Allan's home office in a Yakuza den.
  • SGM & I write & sing Granpa Bought a Rubber
  • Ken (DWC) and Allan are in a Russian sauna. Ken drops soap and stumbles backward into Allan's groin just as Japanese man walks in.

Allan You fagged me.
Ken I [stutters], it was, I
Allan 俺オカマちゃうよ。
Ken I didn't mean to, it, er, I mean IT, was an accident.
Allan No it wasn't.
JP ほんまにアホ。

  • Ken (PBB) & (DWC) have twin, full-grown BarbiKens (JOD) & Mini-Me
  • The movie has just been released. SMA is paying for a cup of coffee at a Starbuck.
    SMA How much is that?
    shb Barbie 800円$ I really loved your movie. [barista spits in my coffee]
    SMA um, eer, thank you?
    B Would you like cream?
    SMA Ah, okay.
    B [removes breast from bra and squirts breast milk into SMA's coffee]
  • Ken (SMA) rapes Ken (小泉 純一郎) with medical equipment
  • Ken (北野 武) & Ken (SMA) make love on a Barbie.
  • Ken (PRN) & Ken (SMA) have a baby. Barbie (SSK) and Ken (NS) are PRN's parents. SMA's parents are GCG & Ken (PS).

Please don't interrupt me. I'm milking my cat.

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  • All the SMA BarbiKens gather for a Barbicon at the Barbican. They draft and execute a document during an orgy. The document is called The Document of Dick.
  • Ken (KPB) has manstrual issues. He talks it over with Ken (Obi-Wan Kenobi). They decide to form the oB1 Men's Sump Pump for Masterbation Etiquette (The oB1MSPfME) Male's Group for Aspiring Men, and a federation grows.
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  • plantRonicks Ken (SMA) discovers a better dildo
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  • Ken (RTG) teaches Barbie (MER) how to use a urinal.
  • Finding Barbie
  • 公認会計士
    • SMA goes to visit Allan in his 公認会計士事務所。
    • The office has a house band comprised of JSdLJr & Kens (JSdLJrs) called Q & his q's. Hits include We Were The Bog
  • sh「IT's got legs」Ken-Ken Dolls in Vegas sponsored by
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  • Reliever Ken (WP) has a bowel movement and Allan eats it.


  • Loveless & H.I.S. Pink Toolbox Band in Drag
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  • cloning business
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    • depending on which figurine of a person or illness generates the most revenue, clone that person in a coma and/or remove illness from cloned
    • if a cloned person comes back and says "Why'd you do that?" use euthanasia business
    • God figurine which generates the most revenue will house Randi
    • Q figurine which generates the most revenue will house Q
  • dharma transmission business for
  • clones
    • originals
    • gadget business based in お台場


  • Tina Pettigrew
  • Joyce Yoselow
  • Heather Yoselow
  • Charlie Kaufman
  • Karen more or less Menachof
  • Daniel Lintz
  • John W. Crosby
  • 西澤養子
  • Mitt Romney
  • Greta Garbo
  • Charlie Chaplin
  • The Judge Brothers


  • SMA doesn't need editing authority
  • any HRH references, figurines, script, etc. which references HRHs must be approved by relevant HRH


Q Why don't you do it yourself?
A Ok.

Q What did Mr. Regenstreif say?
A I like to watch.

Q How many mooooovies will you agree to?
A Maybe one?