The door closed. I looked for the departure sign, found it and trekked electronic stairs. 大和くん explained where the wifey return station was, and I trekked to Terminal3.
Checkin wheeled me to 112. Two lovelies & a 3rd. My sisters. I can see it in their lies.
Caffeinated, they wheeled me to the plane. Departure with Our destiny. We paused, and I didn’t keep my eyes up.
I looked left. Another transom. I looked right. More planes. Composure regained.
We wheeled on. Descended. Paused, and wheeled to the door. Overcome again, I hesitated. Draw out this exquisite anguish just another moment. I raised the footrests, stood up, and prostrated to the Rising Sun.
Until we meet again.
Boarded the plane. The Taiwanese shook my 一心伝心手。