why I like chain stores

the weakest link in the chain

Yesterday, I went into a locally owned breakfast restaurant. The elder Japanese customer sitting a few seats away started gushing platitudes about my Japanese before I could even sit down. I am not the only foreigner who is sick and tired of Japanese blathering compliments in a language they don't understand.

Once, a buddy of mine, Matthew Anthony Fox, had an appointment near Tokyo station. He had invited me to join him and we were riding in the cab. The first question out of the driver's mouth was can you use East Asian eating utensils. Matt went off on him. I was pleased as a pig in cockroach shit.

We are sick and tired of having smoke blown up our ass. The problem is not that we are drunk on you blowing smoke up our asses. The problem is you pretending to yourselves that Japanese is that difficult. You are the ones blowing smoke up your own asses when you excessively compliment.