So I wake up about 03:00 today. H says it's my fault. Whatever.
After we storyboard much of these posts, I ask H if I may please go to sleep. He sends me to the tinkletorium, and I return to my cot, looking up at the stars. About a nanosecond later, I'm asleep.
I'm in a house. The home of a buddy from high school where I had just stayed. The spouse is on the phone, working remotely. Spouse having a business conversation, setting straight whomever xhe is speaking with in no uncertain terms.
I'm looking for my clothes. Can't find clothes. I have on my rubber shoes, except the left is yellow and the right is pink. (In case you wonder how I recall this, when I was incarcerated in Switzerland, the police explained to me that I have a videographic memory.)
I ask Harvey if I called to let them know I would be returning for my clothes. Harvey asked why do I have to ask if I can go in their home? Exasperated, I ask Q. No comment.
Spouse is walking and talking emphatically. I panic. I realise she will freak when she stumbles on me in their home. Start going down stairs and I hear friend. Now I really freak.
I am trying to get something from above a china cabinet downstairs. I lose my right rubber shoe. I am running out the front door. I am fairly certain they have not seen me. I am afraid they might see me from the window.
This was the most realistic dream I have ever had in my life. I wake up. Harvey says "That was funny, wasn't it?" Q goes, "OMG, what an idiot."
H. has decided on an additional name. Ethel. H. Ethel Steven MacIntyre Allen.