your ignorance makes my life difficult

still, i've got a pretty good life. Better than 99.999...%

Recently a person whom I have known for decades berated me because he thought he knew better. This is my open letter to him.

Dear Sei,

You are confused. Many in your situation are. I am not the person who owes anyone money. People owe me money. A lot of money.

Apparently, you are unaware of my family. Steve Jobs is my father’s half brother. My paternal grandfather gave birth to Mr. Jobs and funded Apple for me. Mr. Jobs was born eight years before me, but he was named for me. Apple Corporation was made for me. I am a stakeholder, not a shareholder. But then, aren't we all?

It was Mr. Jobs’s idea I go to law school. The AirPods were my idea. Initially, Mr. Jobs named his computer the MacIntosh. Fairly quickly, he discovered his mistake. Instead of renaming the computer the McIntire, they just call it the Mac. Since one Mac would be useless, they made one for you too. No thanks needed!

Mistakes you don't regret. - Louis Kuipers, Simon Carpentier, Victor Solf courtesy of The Q Continuum

There are many people like Mr. Jobs, perhaps more than 100, perhaps less than 150. They are my biological half uncles and aunts descended from my father’s father. Many of them steward companies for my cabal, if that is the correct word. Essentially, there are, and always have been, only two cabals. One cabal of companies is the government cabal, e.g. Walmart, heroin dealers, unethical money makers. In the other cabal are our (mine, my former spouse's and my daughter's) companies. In addition to politicians, the folks who run these government cabal companies are, although they might not appear to be, working for the government. These are front companies.

One of the earliest examples of an American government cabal industry was the Golden Triangle between China, America and Burma. I was born in Burma, now called Myanmar. Myanmar is Burmese for 'the strong'.

The cabals aren't limited to individuals and corporations. NGOs populate both cabals. The Money Cabal (which includes 'profit is god' companies, NGOs and politicians) and the Allen Cabal utilise our (The Three Crystals) intellectual property. IP is not the correct term of art. I've been searching for the correct term for well over a decade. I don't think there is a correct term. 'Intellectual Knowledge' perhaps? For some reason Intellectual Knowledge sounds linguistically incorrect. How much you wanna bet the Japanese have a good word for it?

Individuals build the cabals. Cabal corporations are shell companies. All the companies, politicians and NGOs owe their success, often in some very roundabout way, to me, my former spouse, or, more recently, to my daughter.

broken image

Do I wish I had your money, your fancy cars and your airplanes? Sure. Perhaps you got them in an honest and decent way. Unfortunately, that path was not open to me. I had to choose between perpetuating the lies that have surrounded my family for generations, or tell the truth and accept a financial situation which you, like many, find reprehensible.

I realised recently that people believe attorneys are rich because people want to believe man's law is good, helpful. They want to believe that law can make them rich. That law cannot make you rich. Only you can. Wealth is often an obstacle to spiritual treasure. Just because they coined some stuff and told you it means something doesn't mean much.

Too often people deceive themselves to become financially affluent. 'O, this isn't really illegal' or 'Well, let's test this legal precedent and see if it helps my bankroll'. There are exceptions to every rule. Even the rule that there are exceptions.

People pay into a system which, they know, is gamed. Nonetheless, they tell themselves the system is gamed in a legal, systematic way. They say the money game is fixed in a way which, if you have enough money, education, connections, etc., you can win. You can't.

Some do win the spirtual game. Some don't. Why? Long story, to be explained in a future post. Ultimately, I don't care. I just want to be kind, and being kind means not judging others.

your brother in arms,

So the question to many people at this point is, 'Does he think I have lied, cheated and stolen?' We all have. One of my dad's favourite jokes, to which I was not privy to the humour, yet he enjoyed repeatedly telling at family dinners, was

Jesus was standing in front of a man in a pillory. The good ol' boys & gals were stoning him. Jesus said, 'Stop!' and held up a hand to hold back the horde. Jesus continued 'He who has not sinned, shall cast the first stone.' A little old lady walked up to Jesus. The gnarled, wrinkled woman looked Jesus in the eye. She bent over. Picked up a huge, heavy rock. Lifted it high over her head. Walked over to the man in the pillory, and bashed the man's head in. Jesus said, 'O, mother.' - Bradley Moore Allen

When I write the words my father said, I am reminded of Monica Lewinsky.

dirty hands, clean money - seen at a tire shop in Chartucky, Michigan

I don't know. I know that dirty hands often causes one to have clean money. Nonetheless, much dirty money is held by dirty hands.

Is the inverse true? If one's hands are 'dirty' from a lack of manual labour perspective, i.e. you don't do much manual labour, does that mean one's money is often dirty? I don't know that either, and, in either case, I don't care. That's part of being kind. Not judging.

My financial situation has taught me a spirtual lesson that I never would have learned had I taken the money. I thank my mother for that. I think she thought I was on the wrong path, and one reason she had for leaving us was because leaving me might be a wake up call for me.

broken image

Her staying in my life was not helping me, so she abandoned us. I apologise to my siblings for my role in losing our mother. I love you all, despite distance and the inability to adequately convey in words how much I know we love each other.

We all tend to attribute other's actions to factors we 'know'. Often, the factors we 'know' are small, insignificant factors. Be kind. Please help me be kind.