Barbara Ann Bailey

Barbara Bailey Kennelly

10 July 1936

· politics

My law school class included the sons of Robert Francis Kennedy and Congresswoman Barbara Bailey Kennelly

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and, named in my memoir, a member of the Connecticut State House. In Autumn 1995 I took a Feminist Legal Theory class. I had to check the semester on my transcript and discovered the course number was 666. I can't help wondering if the number had to do with me being the student that I was (am?).

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This is NOT a photo of Craig Tiberius Mierzwa.

Btw, Craig, please do not let me into the LinkedIn TUJ Law group that
Thank you very much.
Ooo, me love you long time. Lights come on. O, me, noooo. I'm no homo.

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On 02 September 2022, I was having lunch at Mo’s Midtown Restaurant. While there I was fortunate to sit at the counter with Congresswoman Kennelly. Although I spoke with her only briefly, she more than lived up to her reputation. She is impressive. In a word, gravitas. She is old school in the sense that I am old school. Real change occurrs from inside out. I followed her to her car and gave her my card, the one indicating my "bitch" job title.

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I explained my interest. She told me she’d never voted Republican, although she liked Governor Lowell Palmer Weicker, whom I spoke with briefly when he lectured at an event in the old UConFidence Jobs Law Library in 1996.

My paternal grandfather was Harold Brainerd Allen. His family settled some cities and towns in Connecticut, put their names on the Hartford Phallus

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and a Connecticut airport.

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The newer Hartford area airport uses my father's given name. Ethel May Dennis, my dad's mother, was a Moore, so I suspect Mr. Edward Moore Kennedy

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and I were relations.

my country right, not wrong

Harold Allen was a Lincoln Republican, as am I. We, including people like Governor Weicker and Governor John Mathias Engler, are often called libertarian or Volvo Republicans. vRepublicans often believe in civil rights, international trade and free movement of labour. By free movement of labour, I am referring to labour's right to unionise, cross national borders, and not be subjected to bozos. vRepublicans often chafe at being called liberals because the American political spectrum seems incredibly misaligned, with the left often illiberal and the right hypocritical when not nonsensical. vRepublicans are not RINOs. They are old school Republicans who harken to real American values, universal values. For instance, real Americans, like real friends, speak up when they know their country is wrong.

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Ethel is far left & Harold is far right
Ain't that always the way?

Since undergrad at the largest campus of the largest public university system in America, I have wondered why the American Presidential candidates always target the 51st percentile. The right tries to win 50% of the right, as well as 1% of the left. The left tries to win 50% of the left and 1% of the right on a spectrum which is not the least liberal/conservative. Why has no candidate ever targeted the 24.5th to 75.5th percentiles? This ought to stablise the culture, align the spectrum and end dichotomous bickering. Put bluntly, I am intent on ‘hollowing out the middle’.

Why has no one thought of this? Because they are cowards. They are rich folk who send poor, mostly black people to die in jungles of a country of some of the kindest, sweetest people in my world. Two million of them died. So 50,000 wanks did? We weren't even invited! Please don't tell me the South invited us. Go to any nation in the world, (particularly America) and if you have enough money, see if you can't 'invite' anyone to do anything for you.

Congresswoman Kennelly has, and her father had, a ’sixth (or is it sick?) sense’ for politics. After giving her my business card, I asked if I might speak with her again. She feigned retirement. I practiced in Osaka and Tokyo for almost two decades, and saw how the Japanese value the elderly. The idea that Congresswoman Kennelly is ‘retired’ disturbs me. She's just sick of it, probably mostly sick of the dominant male testeronal bitches on the Hill. After I explained a bit of my political philosophy, she encouraged me to not give up. I assured her I would not and said “There is too much kindness to be done.” The Japanese taught me that.

The Congresswoman and I are Thatcher Feminists. Because I am not a woman, sometimes I find myself more feminist than women Feminists, not unlike a Black President having to be more Caucasian than many Caucasians. The Japanese have repeatedly explained to me that my lack of preparation is not their emergency. The extent of the preparation is often surreal, as I discovered in a sculpture at my old school commissioned the year I was to graduate.

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American colloquialisms often confound me. Most times, they seem to imply nothing like what they say. If fools rush in where angels fear to tread, you are my favourite fool. Please help me help fortune favour the fools.

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 Eboni S. Nelson

May the gods keep you and bless you. My love to you always. 

edited 15 June 2024 of the Children's Era