I'm sorry.

I was wrong.

I have been playing power politics my entire life. I have spoken not only unkindly, but incorrectly about a person. For many years, when the subject of his daughter arose, I accused him of being a lacky for the colonisers, the British. He was not. I pulled my facts out of thin air, and the air was too thin.

I was dismayed that politicians were using my country for their own aims. Tibet has been similarly abused. Are those days behind me? Do the means justify the end? If you ask yourself those questions, probably not.

Her Excellency Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has been abused by me. She is the Leader of the National League for Democracy, and pursues her father's Communist goals. Perhaps she fell from grace because I harped too much.

My country has suffered because of my birth. I have strived to make amends. I could do better.

One way I could do better is to have advisors who feel comfortable correcting me. Elders.

For decades I have made the point that internal Myanmar politics are internal Myanmar politics. Those people know each other. They went to similar schools. They played similar games. They speak the same language, and understand the nuanced subtleties. Their social circles intersected with mine, but only fleetingly, and neither of us prospered. I was trying to find common ground.

My love to you. I miss you.

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