just another wetback

gringo on parade

Earlier this year I went to visit the office of the Florida governor. The current sycophant evokes strong opinions. Xhe likes to see xhe's name in print, and, if you know Christian hate like I know Christian hate, there is no better ink than Allen ink.

It's not what they say about you. Media junkies feed on being food for the fodder. Xhe doesn't care what I say about xem...as long as I correctly spell xhe's name.

In June, I left my car in Daytona and visited Puerto Rico. On my return, I went to the Final counter and purchased a ticket. The first available was to Tampa.

My car was in Daytona. I rented a car in Tampa and started driving. On the way, a person named Armando was walking beside the road. I stop and give folks a ride, and when I offered a ride to this young man, he was grateful.

He had work in the Carolinas, picking tobacco. He'd just been relieved of his iPhone, and his wallet, by three black Floridians. Armando's face was still swollen from the beating they gave him. Impressive how the haters can turn the least affluent against each other.

Armando and I camped at a boondocking site I had uneventfully used in April. We spent the night listening to the July third fireworks, I on my cot, he on the ground. I got the cot because I look white.

I was awoken well before dawn on the 4th of July. For reasons that Jose can now see, God bless your mess.

I was uncertain if OurManDough was awake, until, still laying on the camp roll I had given him, he spoke. After an appropriate interval the governor's lacky pulled up. He stayed in his patrol car, and I waited. He seemed to be waiting for me, so I slowly approached the rolled down driver side window with my hands at my side, palms open, facing him.

My father's younger son, who lives just across the county line from where we were camped, often addresses folks as 'captain'. I often use 'boss' to indicate deference. I like the reference, and have tried to take to using it. As I approached his vehicle, a safe distance away, I called out, 'Howdy, cap'n'. As he exited the vehicle and approached me, he tersely replied he was not a captain. He did not share my affliction.

I quickly checked my pace. As he approached Armando, I stayed to his right, trying to keep the government on my left.

Because I was trying to help undocumented workers, the previous swag had me jailed for half a year in 2019. The Colorado homosexual is not in my political party. Stick my neck out, you think? That's what civilised people do. They stand up.

politician see, politician do

The Florida governor's setup was dawning on me. The first responder began interrogating my compatriot, waiting for me to stick my neck out again. When I did, he asked me if I was on psychotropics.

Little pointer here. If you are ever questioned by the police, even if you are white, try not to laugh at their questions. They think you think the situation funny. They ain't laughing. Duh.

His psychotropic question was a thinly veiled threat that they would incarcerate me in the same insane asylum my siblings used, which was just accross the county line in Volusia. As explained in a previous post, the legalised drug pushers in Volusia and neighboring counties use my initials, SMA, to market their junk. When the world is insane, the sane will appear insane.

This was a local police officer, and legally prohibited from inquiring about a person's legal status in this country. At this point, a number of wannabe attorneys, as well as some of the many idiots who made it through law school and passed the bar, will start saying, 'O boohoo, there is a rule we made which says we can do this, and 9 retards in DC said we could.'

There's a law, and then there's the law. You can snooze all the way through my current iteration. I really don't care.

Second responder is a native Spanish speaker. He arrives and begins politely asking my partner in heinous crime some questions. The little Spanish I understand, and the word Michigan, caused me to interrupt, and I tried to help the officer understand. He began to walk over to first responder's vehicle. I gave him my bitch business card and my family's business card. I asked the latino officer how, in the future, I should respectfully explain that a local police enforcer ought not be inquiring of immigration status. I said, I am driving Armando to Carolina, and this will undoubtedly repeatedly happen. I explained, Armando is my client.

Southern cop suddenly perked up. He got out of his paddy wagon, and walked over to us. I explained, Armando is going to work in North Carolina. He's not collecting government benefits or trying to suck the teat of the state.

Next pointer. Don't tell a civil servant not to suck your teat.