new, not new

One of the purposes of my blog is to illustrate that there is no such thing as a new idea. Most of my ideas are stolen, particularly the good ones. When I do have an 'original' idea, the idea is usually just a different arrangement of old ideas. Hardly anything new about that.

One of my pet peeves is the word 'modern'. What does modern mean? Today we are the moderns. We tell ourselves this is new. Tomorrow will be equally new and modern. If so, how modern are we today?

Moreover, much of what we claim is new thinking has been around for a very, very long time. Throughout history people have claimed they are new thinkers, propounding a new way of life, or thought.

Watching the last episode of The Center Seat, 55 Years of Star Trek, I was struck by the statement that Mr. BuryTheRod, Gene believed our utopian future was secular. Religion, like anything, can be good or bad. No two people practice the same religion the same way. Everyone has their own religion if one chooses to view religion as individualistic, which it can be if you let it. Free your mind. The rest will follow.

Some will have a secular future. Is that a better future, or a future with less possibility and less open to a diversity of thought?