Omega Jo


Alpha wolf and beta wolf are fighting over mate. Omega wolf sneaks up, gets busy with mate. Omega wolf leaves. Alpha and beta turn around just in time to see happy look on mate’s face.

mullet man

CE 1990 December
Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico

The political spectrum is a continuum. The extremes are not distinct. For decades, Americans have had great difficulty grasping my political views. I often explain, I am so far right on some issues I am left, and vice versa.

Many people in foreign lands rave about America's strong executive. Foreigners see this as a recipe for success. Americans don’t. Americans see it as a malaise that breeds corruption, hatred, infighting and intransigence. Putting a person in a position of alleged authority,

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and expecting hxx (her/him) to run everything from petrol prices to killing Americans in Yemen, is a recipe for disaster.

A term or two passes. The president moves the needle a bit to one side or the other. Next one shows up and moves the needle back a bit the other way. The media dissembles the great strides 'your' president has made. The textbooks brainwash your children with the same propaganda, while you pay your taxes to print the rubbish with which they are drugging your children. The best part is, after teaching you Thou shall not kill, they will pay you and your children to kill. Alternatively, preferably for government coffers, when you return from your dirty little war

you can go to jail. Best yet, you can watch the farce play out again in four years, or, if you are referring to the next false flag, sooner.

For 246 years, the middle half, the 25th to 75th percentile, haven't even been well represented because A and B focus on winning the 51st percentile. The 26.5 to 0 and the 75.5 to 100 percentiles have been getting even more abused. I am being facetious with regard to the exact numbers, but you get the idea.

The point is, for well over two centuries we have had a choice of yes/no, black/white. We haven't had a left/right because the left/right spectrum is a mess. The left is often trying to gain rights which, if won, would make America even more illiberal. The right is often telling you how great Capitalism is, and, in the same breath, complaining the President should focus on manipulating National Socialism. Whether this is or isn't Capitalism (it isn’t), government business ought to be staying out of the business of business.

What to do? How do we bring a wide variety of views to the table so we can pick and choose the best combination? One solution would be to focus on the outliers. Most of the people are wrong most of the time. Leaders are responsible for leading, which often means leading the people in a direction they do not yet wish to go, agree with or understand.

Outliers are often opinion leaders. Unlike the middle of the bell curve, outliers tend to be more intelligent, more self-aware and wiser. Why not cover the entire political spectrum? Nationalism, particularly National Socialism, is the only ism that requires you to die. Instead of pursuing national goals, why not pursue human ones? Good goals appear all over the political spectrum, not just on the right or the left. If the means to get there are Democrat or Republican, who cares? If you had to choose between achieving your political goals, or having your political party win, which would you choose?

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edited CE 2024 June 15