selective suffrage

rethinking the unthinkable

Most people don't care who is running the show. They wish to go to work, come home, spend time with their loved ones and enjoy life. At the same time, there seems to be an increasing trend to labeling this, that and the other as a 'right, not a privilege'. Is voting a right or a privilege? Should voting be a right or a privilege?

What if we increased the number of levels of voting eligiblity? Currently in the United States of me, me, me, one must be registered to vote. What if one could, in addition to not registering, renounce one's right to vote? Monarchs are not permitted to vote. I would gladly renounce my right to vote.

To register to vote, one must be registered, to the government's satisfaction, with the government. This is the fox guarding the henhouse. Some years ago, my former spouse, 加奈, and I were discussing the Brexit. Initially, we were both ardent supporters of the European Union. Until a point. Eventually, perhaps from the get go, the EU became another layer of bureacracy pushed through by bureacrats. No nation that joined the EU ever had a popular vote supporting membership. The EU is a political entity made by politicians, for politicians. So is the United Nations.

The United States was not founded on a poplular vote. No significant political event has ever been founded on a popular vote. Is that about to change?

I support the immediate and complete cessation of the United States of America paying the UN a penny. If the rest of the world thinks the UN is better than sliced bread, they can pay for it. Better yet, the UN ought to bank every penny they receive from the United States from the moment of this blog post, and finance the UN on interest. Or not. If I should come to the presidency, and the UN has not begun saving for a very, very rainy day, don't tell me I didn't warn you.

If the countries of the world want the USA to pull their economic train, they will start paying the bill, i.e. the bill to finance that remarkably inefficient, counterproductive, corrupt institution called the United Nations. Perhaps if 张三, Taro Yamato, and John Doe of South Africa start paying the check, they might, not likely, but remotely plausible, they might get something of value.

This newly disempowered United Nations could then begin the registration of voters in your United States of America. Just another miracle on high.

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This one's for you pops.