
Steven McIntire Allen's bid for the Republican nomination for the United States Presidency


1. humanize the hoodie

2. restore Republicanism

3. restore state’s rights


1. attack the cause, not the symptom

2. if the Feds need taxpayer dollars for ANYTHING, let the states do the job


0. the lowest economic rung
A. I'm usually homeless. I have no intention of having a home during my administration. Please do not ask me where I live. That's a dead giveaway you are not clued in.
     B. I intend to use Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) SNAP payments (food stamps) and Medicaid while President. This enables me to monitor how the lowest on the economic rung are treated.
     C. The President's salary will be the maximum permissible eligible for EBT.

1. the not White House
     A. After consultation and consent from Ancient Americans, we will rename The White House 'Seminole House'.
B. Every language is another way to solve a problem. A multilingual Seminole House will be a priority.
C. A multicultural Seminole House will be a priority. Appointees will be selected on merit, without regard to nationality, etc.

2. >10% reduction in the Federal workforce every year.

3. District of Columbia becomes a state. If the number of states should increase or decrease, and the peoples of the United States of America consent, the flag of the United States of America will be altered to contain one star.

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Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.

― George S. Patton

Better yet, don't tell them what to do. Tell them what you want done, and learn from how they achieve your goals.

4. I will have three weapons in my desk, a squirt gun, a dart gun and a BB gun. If someone asks me a question that should have been delegated, I will shoot them with one of my weapons. If I have to use my weapons 2x, I will get a bigger gun.

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engage the Q drive

5. Government shall have no more power than any citizen. The safest government is a toothless, clawless government. I am glad to negotiate with the folks on The Hill. I will visit your office. With a [redacted, I'm pretending to be nice].

A. Property the Federal Government owns in any state, land or nation will be donated to that entity.
i. Federal real property will be returned.
a. Chattel will be given to the state, land or nation as prudent.
b. Dangerous chattel will be disposed of in a responsible manner.
ii. States will be encouraged to cooperate with each other and foreign nations. For example, the Great Lakes states might wish to form a Great Lakes Coast Guard with the Canadian government or provinces.
B. The Federal Reserve serves to enslave, is an abomination and will be abolished. In 1776, the Feds didn't print money. Why did they start?
C. Federal income taxes serve to enslave. All Federal taxes will be abolished, and the executive branch of the central government will finance activities, if any, with donations.
D. Requiring citizens to kill for the Federal Government serves to enslave.
i. The United States military will be abolished.
      ii. All existing commitments to veterans, their familes and victims of American holocausts in Japan and elsewhere will be honoured.
      iii. AF1 will be retired. If Airbus wishes to provide corporate sponsorship, cool. If not, Boeing need not apply.
E. Undercover police activities will cease.
F. Eligible Federal prisoners will be given pardons. Responsibilty for Federal prisoners ineligible for pardons will be transferred to state control.

The Statue’s shackles and feet. National Park Service, Statue of Liberty NM

6. During public appearances, if I am asked a question, or respond in a language which is 'foreign' to your ears, you should consult your device for a translation or subtitles. If you are unsure of what I am saying, you should think 70x7 times before you verbalise.

7. The executive and legislative branches have grossly, grossly politicized the judiciary for political gain.
A. Judicial process being conducted within the legislative branch will cease.
B. Currently there is a perverse preference for attorneys. The American Bar Association has an unhealthy bias. The bench ought to be transitioned away from attorneys.
i. Counsel shall be required to justify each and every legal principle to each judge in each matter.
ii. Judicial independence is not possible if judges must rely on the government for their salaries or financing the judiciary. The judiciary must not rely on another branch of government for financing.
iii. Government immunity in criminal or civil matters serves to enslave the people and the judiciary. Immunity, if claimed, shall be justified to each judge in each matter. 
C. An independent judiciary must select it's own judges.
i. States with a Federal court which sits only in that state will send proposed appointments to Congress. Congress will approve or reject the appointments. The Commander in Chief will facilitate cooperation between the states and Congress with a minimum of involvement.
ii. Federal courts in more than one state shall agree on appointments with the corresponding states.
iii. Supreme Court appointments will be selected by the current Supreme Court Justices and proposed to Congress. The Commander in Chief will faclitate cooperation between the Court and Congress. Congress will approve or reject the appointments.
F. Following the Japanese model, judges ought to be appointed younger, earlier in their careers. After a decade or two, judges should be encouraged to retire to provide mentorship, private sector services, and guide the judiciary.
G. An elected judiciary is a less independent judiciary and defeats the separation of powers doctrine.

8. Previous and future generations will be considered legal person(s).
A. Independent legal counsel will advocate and lobby on behalf of ghosts, the unborn, and non-extant generations.
B. Nuclear power, weapons, etc. will be phased out.

9. Constitutional monarchy
A. Shortsighted electoral whims cause tremendous damage. Moreover, democratically elected politicians have a history of becoming less democratic, e.g. Messrs Mussolini and Hitler. The best check on a democracy is a monarchy, and the best check on a monarchy is a democracy.

The bestowal of royal titles, which introduced new concepts of kinship (and kingship) that could be powerfully exploited locally, also helped convince many to throw their lot in with Constantinople.17

The Silk Roads
Peter Frankopan

B. If the United States Congress shall choose, an American constitutional monarchy may be established.
i. American royalty will have no more rights or powers than other citizens.
ii. American royalty will be more distant than one of my third cousins.
iii. The Commander in Chief may give an opinion, not a preference.
iv. A democratically selected monarchy prevents royalty from being an independent check on short sighted electoral priorites including tyranny by a majority, or a minority.

10. non-governmental affiliations
     A. The United States will cease to fund the United Nations.
     B. Federal elections will be administered and monitored by an independent entity initially organised by Switzerland, New Zealand and Ireland. These three nations enjoy the most economic and personal freedoms.

One lawyer with a briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns ...

― Mario Puzo

C. A firearm is at least, if not more dangerous than a motor vehicle.

A well regulated Militia

implies that regulation is required. Nonetheless, the last resort we ought to rely on to do anything in the lives of the citizenry is government.

At the time of the enactment of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, a firearm cost the average homeowner almost half a years wages. Now you can get one for two hour's minimum wage. A mass murder occurs in America more than once a day.

Much like motor vehicles, operator's licenses are common sense, as is registration. The government should play no role in registering firearms or licensing operators of firearms. Multiple private organisations, such as the National Rifle Association, ought to be encouraged to organise independent, competing associations in each state to issue operator's licenses. Once enough trust has been established, private, verifiable firearms registration databases ought to be encouraged.

11. no more dinosaurs
A. The American peoples will select my Vice President. Whoever loses to me in the general election will be my VP.
B. I will ask The Rabbi if he will please administer the oath of office.
C. I am not inclined to seek a second term. I prefer to focus on building the global transit corridor.
D. I will endeavour to harmonise successor(s). I will not be a prisoner of the beltway. Much of my Presidency will be conducted working remotely.
E. The Commander in Chief will ensure the sanctity of the separation of powers by any means necessary. The judiciary shall not legislate, the legislature shall not adjudicate, and the executive shall do neither.

12. Government is for government. Always has been. Always will be. The only solution is to eliminate government, gradually, responsibly. Now.

For my half brothers, my father and Mr. jobs.
For my sisters & brothers.
For you.

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Your losses will not be in vain.