The Aerostate

the arterial state, anarchical communism aka laissez faire capitalism

· politics,imperialism,pilgrim

Do you have a question, concern or comment? Please let me know. I am looking forward to learning what you think.

I was a librarian in a Colorado jail. I spent much time reading. There was a Catholic priest who visited the jail weekly. He took my confession about the son I murdered.

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Fr. Emanuele Fadini, FSCB
Associate Pastor
Nativity of Our Lord

During my time out for the Time Cock, I had an idea. I explained my idea to Fr. Fadini, and one of his parish helpers. The idea has percolated a bit. I hashed IT out with more than a few. Here’s what I got.

s curves & legacies

I am a great admirer of David Dwight "Ike" Eisenhower in many respects, albeit not his civil rights record. Mr. Eisenhower was a Republican in Name Only (RiNO). Although he pursued a racist agenda, he began one of the most socialist infrastructure projects in American history.

The Republican's founding poster boy was Mr. Lincoln. As with poster folk, Mr. Lincoln was the face of the campaign. The real campaign was abolition, the cause célèbre of the Republican Party. I have been committed for trying to right the Republican ship and abolish economic slavey.

Mr. Jobs was the face of Apple. To some extent, he still is. Deserving entities rarely receive credit. Instead, credit almost invariably devolves to those who maximise return on public relations investments. Whoever gives investors the most bang for their buck will get to wave the flag.

Mr. Wozniak was the computer whiz. Mr. Jobs’s expertise was connecting the intersection of art, science, business & technology. My contribution to The Apple Boys, if any, might be to intersect politics and religion. The three continuums are called crafts, trades and lifestyles. Without Mr. Wozniak feeding the pipelines, Mr. Jobs could not have connected the continuums. Without Mr. Jobs connecting my Dots, my pipeline would not have been as well fed. Our triskelion is what propels Apples to unique heights. The abilities to intersect new continuums could be Our shining triumph. Wii will do what we and IT can to keep Our triumph shining.

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Mr. Jobs’s biological great grandfather was a Pastor. Like his great grandson, he died in the bully pulpit. There might be no better oratory pedigree than The Gospel.

Contemporary Americans reading this will claim ‘Jobs never knew the identity of his biological great grandparents’. Inherited positive and negative reinforcement has been proven. Other traits which we believe unique to an individual are undoubtedly passed down in some way, biological, metaphysical or otherwise. Inherited skills or traits, which might not seem very scientific at conception, become science.

For example, some of my Japanese skills were inherited. I have no recollection of meeting my biological maternal grandmother. My mother taught me a word or two of Japanese. Formal education resurrected, or channeled memories of my grandmother’s Korean Japanese ancestry.

Although not terribly modest of me (New Yorkers commit suicide by climbing to the top of their ego and jumping off.) when looking into my blue eyes, Japanese are often stunned because of the accuracy of my Japanese, particularly my Osaka dialect. Channeling my grandmother's spirit helps me understand Japan, Japanese and The Japanese.

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Back to an idea. Mr. Eisenhower is widely credited with instigating the interstate highway system.

What propelled Rome into a new era was its reorientation towards the Eastern Mediterranean and beyond. Rome’s success and its glory stemmed from its seizure of Egypt in the first instance, and then from setting its anchor in the east—in Asia. - The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan

Why not resurrect good ideas on a global scale?

Rome had evolved into an intensely competitive state, one that glorified the military and acclaimed violence and killing. - The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan

Sound familiar? In contrast, Asian cultures harness competitive urges while moderating testosteronal excess. Rather than the dogs of war, foreign portfolio investment has always provided more and better benefits. To date, technology and testosterone might be largely to blame. As technology becomes ubiquitously less detectable, exploiting Asian and African economic development would provide a priceless return for Western cultures.

In areas with sufficient population density, high speed public transit has proven well worth the investment, particularly for rural economies and those lowest on the economic ladder.


I am the future of your country.

Importing African and Asian communitarian philosophies via a transportation corridor would accelerate the West’s adoption of admirable Asian & African qualities while exporting admirable European qualities. All ships rise on a rising tide. If careful to not cannibalise cultures, improved transportation and trade would improve the West much like Rome’s colonisation of Persia and Egypt. Unfortunately, we appear to be generations from responsible eco and social intercourse.

reinventing the past to protect Our future

Humans aren’t ready for extra-terrestrial navigation. Mars or moon landings might have already destroyed life that would have developed billions of years from now on either of those celestial bodies. Not surprisingly, America, a nation that gave us the triple nuclear holocausts of Japan, and the lie of WMD in Iraq, has led the race for space like Mr. Douglas Adam’s belligerent 14 year-old boy.

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Rather than planet colonisation, space colonisation ought to be our goal. As usual, we must err on the side of caution because the human desire for extraterritorial adventure segues horribly well into extraterrestrial conquest. We need to prove ourselves worthy of opening the door to space.

A ship in the harbour will always stay safe Tied up to a dock ain't why it was made Craves wind though the sails, it's wood on the waves Paired to The Great Unknown One or two fathoms there live the spoils But the price of the barrel ain't worth the oil When the season is over, steer it towards home through The peace of some place to go

We must raise the standard of living for all on Our planet to prove Ourselves. We Ought to demonstrate Our ability to nurture a healthy ecosystem. Once wii have ceased annihilating Other species, we might be prepared for self-sustained extraterrestrial travel. Wii must understand the vitality of the human spirit

Presuming humans are the best the world has is hubris. We must find the best. Whether human, dolphin or orangutan. If I am more savant than idiot, technology will help us unleash the beauties of non-human spirits.

If wii should find another celestial body or ship populated with organisms capable of communicating their permission, IT, wii or we ought never set anything on another entity unless IT, wii or we are invited there by indigenous organisms or entities.

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Mr. Musk, now is the time to abandon your murder of the unborn.
Please join me in Our quest to redirect the American killing machine.

the aerostate

One way to prove ourselves ready to colonise space would be to build a global transportation network using the American transcontinental railroad as a financial model. Railway companies profit much more from real estate surrounding railways than from transportation fees. To build a railway, the American government ceded a transcontinental corridor of land to railway builders. The builders used the land along the sides of the corridor for development or sale.

The Global Temple Town Transportation Network (G3N) would bundle multiple transportation modes in corridors connecting nodes and Temple Towns (TT). For example, a private development company would receive a grant of a corridor of land from terminus to terminus. Sale or purchase of real estate and chattel would be gradually abandoned. The corridor would run from one Temple Town or node to another. Each nation would be free to determine if and how to participate. The G3N route would be based on cultural, political and geographical factors. Enhancing diversity is key.

Growth without diversity is inhumane

The width of the corridor would be one kilometre. When underground. the corridor height and width would be one square kilometre.

The transportation corridor would include lanes or tracks for

  • pedestrians
  • self-propelled vehicles, e.g. bicycles, skateboards
  • light motorised personal vehicles
  • rail vehicles
  • road vehicles
  • cargo vehicles
  • conventional vehicles
  • robot vehicles
  • passenger vehicles
  • empty lanes for as yet undiscovered transportation modes
  • green space

Tunnels, such as the one underway between Korea and Japan, would connect these networks. Tunnels might reconnect Russia with Alaska, Iceland with Europe and Greenland, South Africa with 南極 and Australasia.

miracles start low

When I began My Big Book, there was much mental percolation of undersea development, either complementary or as an alternative to The Aerospace Project. The G3N tunnels would include undersea TTs to enhance our understanding of living in sustainable ecosystems. Moreover, the undersea hubs could also be rest and research areas. Undersea lay-bys might be similar to motorway lay-bys. Research areas could have restricted access, supplied once a year except in case of emergency.

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Yin-yang benefits existence. The top right quadrant is the energy entry sector, the protector. The bottom left quadrant is the exhaust, the exit. Wii structures will incorporate triskelion and yin-yang.

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new old towns

I was wandering the southern coast of Spain looking for undocumented work in early 1988. Marbella is a coastal city in Spain. I was sleeping on the beach lawn furniture, and met a person about my age sailing around the world with xes parents. Marbella resembles a centuries old city, perhaps Late Middle Ages.

Well, I travelled to Australia And I travelled there by train This something might sound strange to you But on the way I gained a day And I wrote to tell my family And I wrote to tell my friends

My comrade explained that the entire place had been built just a few decades before with Arab foreign portfolio investment. Arab yacht owners needed a place to shelter from the Mistral. Next to the harbour, a new town was built to historical norms. The buildings had all the mod-cons, power outlets, etc. Nonetheless, the streets and the architecture appeared ancient. Unless my comrade had explained the origins, I would not have known the town was new.

Each nation which chooses to participate in the G3N would select at least one location to build a hub, i.e. a node or Temple Town. Temple Towns will not replace capitals. Using Marbella and other such 'new old' villages as a model, the Temple Towns will be built to imitate the architecture and road network of each culture’s heyday(s). In NewLagoonPrefecture in ニッポン, there’s a city called 妙高。Nice place to start building a BenevolenceStreamHouse hub. Just one miracle on high.

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justice just is

As I have tried to explain repeatedly, the idea is not to replace existing systems. One purpose is to create systems that enable US to do away with all systems. Make the de facto de jure and vice versa. Just let IT B. Using ubiquitous, undetectable technology we will reinvent urban and rural environments.

To do so, we must reinvent justice systems. Legal systems are not justice systems. Justice begins long before any being enters a legal system.

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Also, we will reinvent economic systems. The G3N will advance anarchical Communism by supplementing government and business. A Transparent Throne will assist in the melting away of government and money. I do not wish to usurp. I aspire to political office to facilitate a stable, orderly transition. Eliminating economic slavery must be done gradually and cautiously by minimising change to maximising effect.

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The coordinating agency will be based in Iceland.

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Brilliance springs from an infinite source.  Compartmentalisation facilitates synchronicity. Each G3N jurisdiction will be a law unto itself. Traffic infractions will be enforced by an independent safety force. Adjudication will be administered by an independent judiciary. Existing norms will be respected, while universal norms will be enhanced.

Chautauqua et. al. extant TTs

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robot ribbon

Why are we teaching cars to drive? More than three decades ago the Germans had a robot car on a track. The track had a ribbon alongside to guide the car.

If you're not paying for the product, you are the product.

- Marc Andreessen

Not in the case of your late model car's driver assistance system. You are paying for the product, and, you are the product. Reminds me of government.

The Aerostate freeway will have a ribbon. The first Aerostate freeway could join Beijing and Moscow. The ribbon might be a thin strip on the side of each lane to guide and power the car. Someday, vehicle driver assistance systems may be sufficiently safe to meet Japanese standards. If so, at that time, the ribbon will provide extra safety, stability and speed.

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I told you not to call me that.

When I was a pre-teenager, I used to have dreams of a mass transit system. The system was similar to a railroad, except the passenger compartments were individual vehicles which could smoothly slide on and off the moving track at various points of the track. The vehicles were clean white, aerodynamic and identical. The passengers were sitting up right facing each other, forward or outward at the landscape. I could see them through the vehicle windows.

Time is an illusion. All existence is happening now.


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12 February 2007

Control of the Silk Roads gave their masters access to information and ideas that could be replicated and deployed thousands of miles away.13

The Silk Roads
Peter Frankopan
This material may be protected by copyright.

We were soldiers once. And groovy.

He′s a rebel and a runner
He's a signal turning green
He′s a restless young romantic
Wants to run the big machine

He's got a problem with his poisons
But you know he'll find a cure
He′s cleaning up his systems
To keep his nature pure

Learning to match the beat of the old world man
Learning to catch the heat of the third world man

He′s got to make his own mistakes
And learn to mend the mess he makes
He's old enough to know what′s right
But young enough not to choose it
He's noble enough to win the world
But weak enough to lose it

He′s a new world man

He's a radio receiver
Tuned to factories and farms
He′s a writer and arranger
And a young boy bearing arms

He's got a problem with his power
With weapons on patrol
He's got to walk a fine line
And keep his self-control

Trying to save the day for the old world man
Trying to pave the way for the third world man

He′s not concerned with yesterday
He knows constant change is here today
He′s noble enough to know what's right
But weak enough not to choose it
He′s wise enough to win the world
But fool enough to lose it

He's a new world man

Learning to match the beat of the old world man
He′s learning to catch the heat of the third world man

He's a new world man
He′s a new world man

Neil Peart, Geddy Lee Weinrib, Alex Lifeson

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09 April 2016

ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ, my brother. ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ.