you know what I must write.

You're Welcome. Thank you for your service.

Dear Tim Cook,

Please resign unconditionally, effective immediately.


Steven McIntire "Mak" Allen
Oxford, Alabama

Dear Apple user,

Two million dead Vietnamese.
Six million dead Jews.
Someone's going to miss one dead Apple CEO?

The following is a draft of previous versions of this letter.

Dear Mr. Anderson,

In the future, we may well look upon Mr. Jobs's tenure much as we do Mr. John Sculley III's tenure. Yours would be much worse. I would prefer not.

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I recently returned from Mexico. The most interesting inquiry I received was 'If the Japanese Emperor was willing to take your suggestion to retire, why won't Mr. Cook?' Good question. Pointedly, Apple hegemony over United Staters is too great for that question to occur to sheep.

I have no good answer to the Mexican query. One reason might be Japanese Emperors (JE) have no personal wealth. Imagine this conversation.

JE 大阪で蛸焼きに食べに行こうよ。
royal retainer 今日は、ちょっと。車に乗りましょうか。天皇様が運転してもいいよ。

For many years, I have defended exorbitant American executive salaries by citing a buddy of mine. I wrote about him in my memoir. A few years after studying with me at a law school in Tokyo, he was making about $5M a year. More than 25 years out of law school, he is making a wee bit more. His father was CIA, ostensibly a translator for Douglas MacArthur. He is well connected, to say the least. Mak is back. The Japanese learned that long ago. Texas knows too. I am still waiting for America. Is that because of you?

More than a decade ago, not long after my daughter was born, I spoke with Mr. Seward by phone. I was in the EasternCapital and he was in the SouthernCapital. He mentioned he was on a plane everyday. WE know whose team he is on. Whose team are you on?

Let's suppose John saves a corporation $100M. Attorney compensation often runs about one-third of a contingency retainer agreement. Arguably, John ought to receive about $33M for that one saving. That was then. This is now. The time for ludicrous salaries has passed. Arterial Communism is just the beginning.

More than 25 years after law school, I have managed to pay just one-half of my law school debt. When I am not living in a homeless shelter or a tent, I receive rent subsidies because of my low income. I receive food stamps and Medicaid. I suck a lot of American Gestapo [expletive]. Mr. Biden trying to throw me a student loan debt waiver bone feels a bit better than having old Joe urinate in my face. No doubt he blames your boredmember and his fellow party member for that. The inconvenient truth is Julius Caesar is a Republican.

Your government's humiliation of me is not nearly as humiliating as what you, Mr. Tim Cook, do to me on a daily basis. You and your cohort have become wealthy because I am impoverished. Your suggestion that you might donate your dosh to posterity when you are gone is reminescent of Mr. Thomas Jefferson donating his girlfriend to his spouse.

Long ago, my poverty ceased to behoove SillyCon Valley, including Apple and that other operating system north of your border formerly run by Paul Allen. The link to the Alphabet boys is obvious to all except you & yorn = government ogling. You have enough personal wealth and clout to perpetuate the destruction of the privacy, dignity and prosperity of every American. How you look in the mirror has never been clear to me. Are you praying someone will save you? Stop praying. Just get it done.

Some time ago I heard the CEO of Dyson suckers on a podcast. One of the many excellent points he made was, other than a CTO and a CEO, very few, if any of a company's personnel are able to accurately envision a company's technological trajectory. Without having the big picture, one cannot accurately predict. I have the big picture. You don't. I have had the big picture since before I was born. In this iteration, you will not understand what I am trying to explain.

I am incredibly fortunate. I am not trying to paint myself as the victim. Someone had to be me, and I am doing my best to accept the responsiblity and fulfill my duty. You are not helping.

From my perspective, you appear to have been blindsided again and again, and there is no indication your ignorance has or will cease. If you had taken my advice earlier, I wouldn't be writing this. Please WAKE UP! If you are unwilling, I implore Apple shareholders. My suggestion that you must go is long standing. Your foot, not mine, keeps hitting the brakes. If Apple shareholders can't see this, they are proving their ignorance and illegitimated privilege.

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If one is not a CEO, or above, one doesn't know how a company's big picture fits together. If one is the Apple Emperor, one knows how the bigger picture fits together. If one is the World's Emperor (WE), One has a view to and from eternity that cannot be replicated.

Stockholm Syndrome

A dwindling few might argue you could not have known much of what blindsided you. IT was your job to know! Did you get the job for a good reason? Did Mr. Scully? My point is, you have done a fine job. I appreciate you. I love you, perhaps that's only Stockholm syndrome.

You kept the seat warm. The ship stayed afloat and proceeded forward. Your's was a great Watch. Watch over. I extend to you my greatest gratitude. I am trying to preserve my current estimation of your job performance, not revert to my initial impression that you are a B team player.

Life is a baton. We are here for those who aren't. We must put ourselves first, and I put myself first by putting others first. Too many times I have put you first, before my daughter, my former spouse, and myself. I am eyeing my third marriage. Only an idiot would suspect that this one will turn out any better than the last two. I'm your idiot! Your money is made because I am the Apple savant. Your promises are lies to get me to the next lie.

A baton is made to be passed. We have a pure one on shotgun. The next generation is in the wings, unhampered by political baggage of financally privileged, chronologically challenged black and white males. You and yours have been blocking me, mine, and untold Nikola Teslas for centuries. Which is one reason why I wanted to retire a decade ago. Trying to speak sense to someone who thinks in cents only makes me look ridiculous.

My desire to quit a decade ago is one reason the Japanese emperor did. Retiring is not an option for me. The new JE is one reason my blog post publication increased. Has anything changed? Not that I see.

surviving, not thriving for all

I am incredibly fortunate. I am not trying to paint myself as the victim. Someone had to be me, and I am doing my best to accept responsiblity and fulfill my duty. You are not helping.

At least one of Mr. Trump's billboards show a picture of him. As I drove I-10, looking up at the billboard, he is pointing at me. The billboard reads "They are blocking me, because they want you." You are and have done more to legitimise Mr. Trump than anyone in America. Are you helping Mr. Trump to undermine me and advance your politics & finances?

move forward, NOW!

There must be a hundred or so twenty somethings at Apple who Apple knows could be CEO in 20 years. My main concern with these folks is they are complicit in crimes which history ought not forgive. Why not find three twenty somethings from The Cult of Mak who aren't working for Apple?

Your stewardship is and will be essential. A triumverate of young Turks, guided by a CEO emeritus Cook would far outpace the status quo. If one or two of the triumverate excel, the leadership could be restructured. If not, expand to five. Please grow up.

Your stewardship is and will be essential. A triumverate of young Turks, guided by a CEO emeritus Cook would far outpace the status quo. If one or two of the triumverate excel, the leadership could be restructured. If not, expand to five. Better yet, follow the Japanese consensus model and grow a CEO board, each CEO tasked with a different Apple focus.

There is a place to comment on this page. I appreciate the importance of never doing anything to encumber Apple by giving me evidence of complicity. If you have a response, I understand why you must reply without dignifying this entreaty. Just do it. I am more concerned about the dignity and tremendous respect I have for you.

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Copyright infringement intended.

I understand you are banking on me toning this down tomorrow. You've been banking on that for a decade. Please go.


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Q. You seem fine. Why are you complaining?
A. I am trying to do achieve something. Goals which you pretend to approve. You seem more obsessed with the battle than the goals. You aren't interested in progress. You are fixated on winning.

Because you object to my political party and other superficialities, you, Mr. Cook, have repeatedly retarded the process, stagnated and U-turned. I am a survivor. Telling someone you rape daily, 'You seem fine' does not negate the crime. Even if the subject of your rape forgives you. Even if you can cover your tracks by destroying all the forensic and empirical evidence. Wii know.

Q. Aren't you afraid you will be blamed for his death?
A. One person's blame is another person's credit.